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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
When the late Justice Ginsburg was asked when will we have enough woman on the United State Supreme Court, she famously said, “When there are nine.” In 1981, when I started practicing law as an Assistant Summit County prosecutor in Akron, Ohio every one of our seven Common Pleas judges was male.  In 2020, every one of these judges is female.  Because of this change, does this...

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On Demand

Joel Oster, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
From My Cousin Vinny to Lincoln Lawyer, from Atticus Finch to Lt. Kaffee, Hollywood lawyers have a lot to teach us about the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Using the Hollywood storylines as a starting point, we dissect the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, and then apply them to real-life cases. As they would never disclaim in the movies, “all characters appearing in this class...

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Cynthia Sharp, Esq.
59 Minutes
Audio and Video
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An ideal attorney/client relationship runs smoothly from start to finish. The client is satisfied, refers friends and pays legal fees on time. The attorney enjoys professional, personal and hopefully financial rewards. However, the reality is that issues and problems (many of which are avoidable) can arise at any point during the course of representation. This program offers a practical and strategic approach to developing and maintaining effective and ethical relationships with law firm clients.

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Joel Oster, Esq.
2 Hours 9 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
From My Cousin Vinny to Lincoln Lawyer, from Atticus Finch to Lt. Kaffee, Hollywood lawyers have a lot to teach us about the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Using the Hollywood storylines as a starting point, we dissect the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, and then apply them to real-life cases. As they would never disclaim in the movies, “all characters appearing in this class are ...

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Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
Audio and Video
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The Portable Document Format (PDF) has become the standard in the legal and business communities for revising, editing and exchanging digital documents, as well as e-filing court documents. The industry-leading software for creating, securing, and analyzing PDF documents is Adobe Acrobat DC. As is the case with most software, many attorneys are using only a fraction of the software's features ...

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Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
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This program will highlight the newest features of Adobe Acrobat Pro while also demonstrating some of the features that make it a must-have for every law firm.

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Carole Levitt |  Mark Rosch
Audio and Video
Short Description:
There’s so much more to Google than the simple search box on the home page...if you know where to look. Carole Levitt and Mark Rosch, authors of “Google for Lawyers” and “The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet,” will take you on a deep dive into the Google Advanced Search menu so you can quickly conduct factual and investigative research for your client matters. You will also explore some of Google’s specialty databases and specialized searches to help you locate very specific types of information.

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On Demand

Roger J. Dodd, Esq.
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In a series of four 90-minute webinars, Roger Dodd presents a completely integrated cross-examination system taught via learnable concrete principles. In each webinar Roger illustrates key principles and techniques of cross-examination to implement at trial and at depositions (in-person or online). His examples are based on dozens of real-life examples. Even if you don’t take the whole series...

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Jennifer Ellis, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many attorneys to work from home. While some may have been prepared for the shift to working remotely fulltime, others are considering the notion of working outside of their traditional office space for the first time.  In this free program, attorney Jennifer Ellis reviews some of the basic office functions attorneys need to replicate...

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Jeffrey R. Schoenberger, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Legal technology is a double-edged sword; it can cause malpractice, or it can guard against it! Most of the top causes for malpractice and grievance issues are related to organization, communication, and law office management. As such, they are largely preventable. How do you properly communicate confidential information with clients? How do you properly negotiate documents with opposing counsel?

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On Demand

Jennifer Ellis, Esq. |  Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Whether you choose to be online or not (and you should be online) your clients will write you reviews. Unfortunately, angry clients are much more likely to write about you than happy clients. This webinar will explore the ethical and practical issues surrounding getting good reviews as well as discuss how you should respond when someone bashes you online. Lawyers have been disciplined for their...

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Bill Cosby victimized nearly sixty women and was convicted of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand and sentenced to prison.  However, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversed his convictions indicating he could not be tried again.   In 2006 the FBI did an extensive investigation of Jeffrey Epstein and found that he had sexually assaulted 37 girls, some as young as 14, and prepared...

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On Demand

Christopher Lowell |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  Brian T. Guthrie, Esq.
1 Hour 7 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Even in Ben Franklin's time, the public held cynical views about lawyers.  Have things changed?  What can we learn from historical perspectives on lawyers?  How can one be a better practitioner and help negate some of the lingering negative attitudes toward today’s lawyers?     In this engaging and informative program, Ben Franklin (who worked with more la

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Jennifer M. Ramovs, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
A high percentage of malpractice practice claims and practice management issues are caused by communication breakdowns. The growing number of communication channels only compounds the problem. Examine technologies and techniques that will help you improve internal and external communication, lower your stress, improve your service, generate happier clients, and lower your malpractice...

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On Demand

Steve Hughes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
What if you could stand in front of an audience and deliver a presentation so powerful it captivated them from start to finish? You can if you understand body language, how people think, and what causes people to pay attention. This dynamic program combines the time-tested wisdom of the Greek philosophers with the latest insights from today’s leading storytellers: Madison Avenue and Hollywoo

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On Demand

Steve Hughes
Audio and Video
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How would you like to snap your fingers and instantly judges, jurors, and clients would agree with your position? It may not be that easy, however you can dramatically improve your chances for success if you understand how people make decisions and what causes them to act. This dynamic CLE program draws on the latest scientific research to illustrate how you can ethically influence

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On Demand

Becky Howlett, Esq |  Cynthia Sharp, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join Attorneys Cynthia Sharp and Rebecca Howlett in this cutting-edge CLE course exploring the benefits, pitfalls and potential ethical considerations as you incorporate ChatGPT into your legal practice. Through real-life examples and live demonstration, we will examine how ChatGPT can enhance legal research, drafting, client communication and even marketing. Don't miss out on this opportunity...

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Lawrence Eichen, Esq.
Audio and Video
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This course provides an overview of artificial intelligence and the features of ChatGPT.  It discusses how attorneys can use ChatGPT and other AI platforms to assist with client intake, document review, research, drafting, editing, and brainstorming like never before.

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On Demand

Graham Thatcher |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  Brian T. Guthrie, Esq. |  Barry R. Vickrey, Esq. |  Charles Abourezk, Esq. |  Alicia Garcia, Esq. |  John M. Stuart, Esq.
3 Hours 5 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
A master of the courtroom stage, who possessed an uncanny understanding of human character, Clarence Darrow was arguably the greatest trial lawyer of the twentieth century. He was an adamant opponent of capital punishment and a passionate proponent of civil and human rights. Often called the "Attorney for the Damned," he fought for the underdog and took on criminal cases thought to be ho

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On Demand

Irwin Karp, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Learn the essential elements of clear communications and tips for assuring clear and effective communications with your clients, colleagues, and staff. Rule 1.4 of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct directs attorneys to “keep the client reasonably informed” about their matters through clear and timely communications. Lawyers who are busy litigating, deal-making, or...

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On Demand

Deborah Reid, Esq.
2 Hours 6 Minutes
Audio and Video
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This seminar explains and illustrates the basics of copyright law in three major parts that follow the organization of Reid’s upcoming illustrated book, True Stories of Transformation + Infringement: Art + Copyright. The wellspring for the book and seminar are the colorful stories involving Andy Warhol, Prince, Roy Orbison, 2 Live Crew and Oscar Wilde told in copyright case law. Exhibits from...

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On Demand

David Berlin, Esq. |  David Spaulding
Audio and Video
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Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification (“Form I-9”) is used to document identity and work authorization of persons employed in the United States. Every employer is required to correctly execute them within three days of an employee beginning to work for pay but many organizations find the process challenging. Not all companies have Form I-9 policies and many which do, have not ...

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On Demand

Steven L. Taylor
1 Hour 13 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Adopted in 2010, Criminal Rule 16(K) mandates that the parties disclose their expert-witness reports at least 21 days before trial.  If the 21-day rule is violated, the remedy at trial is exclusion to the extent there was non-compliance, a mandatory remedy reinforced and emphasized by the Ohio Supreme Court when it addressed the rule in State v. Boaston, 160 Ohio St.3d 46, 2020-Ohio-1061.

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Mark Weaver, Esq
Audio and Video
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Facing the news media or an angry public can be nerve-racking even under the best conditions. Now, Ohio prosecutors are called to communicate complex information about the law, public protection, and local government action to panicked citizens. Effective crisis communications is even more important during a global pandemic.   This OPAA webinar will feature timely, practical advice ...

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Roger J. Dodd, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
To litigate in the COVID-19 era you need more than the traditional cross-examination techniques you’ve always relied on. COVID-19 has dramatically changed the face of litigation...kick-starting a technology shift in the practice of law that has already taken place in almost every other area of society. Zoom, Webex, and other remote platforms are now a regular part of the litigation and ...

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On Demand

Roger J. Dodd, Esq.
1 Hour 29 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In a series of four 90-minute webinars, Roger Dodd presents a completely integrated cross-examination system taught via learnable concrete principles. In each webinar Roger illustrates key principles and techniques of cross-examination to implement at trial and at depositions (in-person or online). His examples are based on dozens of real-life examples. Even if you don’t take the whole series...

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On Demand

Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. |  John W. Simek
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
One of the most overlooked aspects of security is training for employees. Employees are unwittingly involved in more than 80% of successful attacks. It has never been more critical for organizations to implement effective risk mitigation strategies, enhance security posture and protect information assets – which is hard to do without educating your employees. This is very important training

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On Demand

Carole Levitt |  Mark Rosch
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Just because a record is “public” doesn’t mean it has to be easy to access or even

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Joel Oster, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Every lawyer is aware of the Rules of Professional Conduct that govern what they can and can't do - ethically.  But still, every year hundreds of lawyers find themselves running afoul of these rules.  This presentation is your chance to refresh your own knowledge of those rules and to match wits with disciplinary authorities.  The Comedian of Law...

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Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. |  John W. Simek
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Deepfakes can impact our relationship to information and the tools we use to work with it. How will this new horizon impact the trustworthiness of evidence and will the legal profession have the tools needed to test what they see or hear? What are the implications for the Rule of Law and our democracy? Topics our presenters will cover include:

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Jeffrey R. Schoenberger, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Law and medicine were always the pair: well-respected professions, pathways to middle class (or better!) comfort, and laggards with technology. Whether you went to a doctor’s office or a lawyer’s office, paper ruled the day. But that’s changing. One of the last bastions of “paper is king” is the executed document – “wet” signatures serving as proof ...

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On Demand

Britt Lorish
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Floods, market crashes, hurricanes, fires, personal illness, malicious employees —we live in a troubled world. You probably don’t need to protect your firm from extraterrestrials (well … not yet), but you do need to be forearmed against reasonably foreseeable disasters, natural or man-made!  There are easy, and cheap steps that you can take to help ensure continued service

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On Demand

Carole Levitt |  Mark Rosch
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this webinar, you’ll begin to discover hidden and undocumented Google search features and shortcuts to speed up your research. You will learn more about some of the less-obvious features of the world’s most popular search engine, the ways other lawyers are using those features to research for their matters em, and why you should be putting them to use in your practice.

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Rule 8.3 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct indicates that “a lawyer who knows that that a judge has committed a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct that raises a substantial question as to the judge's fitness for office shall inform the appropriate authority.” Rule 8.4 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct explains that it is professional misconduct for

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
2 Hours 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Rules of Professional Conduct indicate that an attorney who possesses unprivileged information that a judge has violated the Rules of Judicial Conduct shall inform the appropriate authority. And it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to knowingly assist a judge in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct. Therefore, it is incumbent for every attorney ...

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On Demand

John Federico, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Reusing old documents with find and replace has a high margin for error and is slower than better, alternative methods. Discover how to leverage the best of your intellectual capital to increase speed, accuracy and efficiency. Improved drafting methods directly impact the bottom line and improve client satisfaction.

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On Demand

Erin M. Aiello, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
There is a significant correlation between domestic/intimate partner violence and violence against animals (often referred to as “the link”).  We also know that victims of domestic violence will often refuse to leave their abusers out of fear that their beloved pet would be harmed, and not having a safe place that will shelter them both.  One study found that at least 87% of ...

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On Demand

Tom O'Connor, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Most attorneys in private practice are employed by law firms with fewer than 20 lawyers and, in fact, half of all U.S lawyers in private practice are solos. When e-discovery came on the scene, these attorneys viewed it as the exclusive domain of large firms with large cases in Federal court. But with the increase in digital activity by people in all areas of their lives, e-discovery has become an

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On Demand

Michael Maschke, EnCE, CEH, ACE, CISSP
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Learn the ins-and-outs of collecting, analyzing, and recovering evidence from mobile devices. Discover how digital forensic capabilities have grown by reviewing real-world situations. What seems hidden may be revealed after all. Game on! Participants can expect to learn the following during this session: • Explore forensic process from preservation to reporting. • Identify the latest types...

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On Demand

Cynthia Sharp, Esq. |  Becky Howlett, Esq
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join veteran attorney Cindy Sharp and certified contemplative practices teacher and attorney Becky Howlett as they unpack age bias in the legal field—what it is, why it matters, and ways to enhance collaboration across all age levels. Addressing ageism in the legal profession can strengthen cross-generational collaboration, meaning better service for clients and more fulfilling workplaces ...

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Alison C. Shields, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have become part of every lawyer’s daily life, and they can be helpful tools for expanding your professional presence and marketing your practice, as well as valuable investigative tools. But the same ethical rules that govern lawyers’ conduct also apply to their use of social media, and that can raise some concerns for lawyers in their use of these tools.   This webinar will focus on the ethical use of LinkedIn as a ma

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Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Smartphones are in reality powerful computers that store massive amounts of data, potentially including information that lawyers are required to keep confidential under the Rules of Professional Conduct, such as client names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and other information. This program will discuss the data stored by smartphones, and the dangers created by apps that can access ...

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Jim Jesse, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this program, attorney/songwriter Jim Jesse discusses the unique issues faced when representing an organization as a client, particularly one as unique as a musical group. in this case, Jesse uses The Beatles and Rolling Stones as examples. Picture yourself as General Counsel for the two biggest bands in the world. And there's plenty of overlap between the two bands...

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Retired Prosecutor & Police Advisor
59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Ethical conduct is a key to being an effective attorney. Each week we read about disciplinary cases where attorneys are suspended for misconduct involving clients, the courts, or other attorneys. In this presentation we examine disciplinary cases involving the misuse of social media and the types of conduct that result in disciplinary action and suspensions. We will examine the rules of professional...

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
2 Hours
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Prominent South Carolina attorney Richard Murdaugh was convicted of Murder and he filed a motion for new trial alleging that the clerk of courts tampered with the jury by advising them not to believe Murdaugh’s testimony and pressuring them to reach a quick guilty verdict.  After an evidentiary hearing where a juror indicated they were influenced by the clerk to return a guilty verdict, the judge overruled the motion finding that there was insufficient evidence to overturn the jury’s verdict. 

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Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. |  John W. Simek
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Lawyers have an ethical duty to be competent and to keep their client data confidential. Clients too want to keep their confidential data protected. All too often, information security is not prioritized by law firms. It costs money to protect data and businesses frequently resist budgeting for security, even though an ounce of prevention is far less expensive than a pound of cure. Investigating a

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On Demand

Charles H. Rose, III
Audio and Video
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FRE 611 addresses witnesses and establishes the manner and scope of witness testimony during cross examination. While FRE 611 governs the form of cross examination questions, many other evidentiary rules also impact your ability to impeach witnesses. Prosecutors must understand the legal doctrine behind the rules governing impeachment. This presentation will show attendees how to begin ...

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
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As a prosecutor, we all have our horror stories about witnesses. In this presentation, we will examine issues relating to witnesses including enforcing a subpoena of a witness, impeaching your own witness, witness competency, material witnesses, court witnesses, recalling witnesses, and other issues relating to witnesses.   We will also review case law regarding witness tampering by defense

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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
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The admissibility and persuasiveness of expert testimony will often make or break a case.  Prosecutors often rely on expert witnesses to prove the defendant’s guilt or innocence.  In this presentation we will examine the admissibility of expert testimony both by the State and the defense.  We will review various cases involving the admissibility of forensic evidence that can ...

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Nicholas Taylor
1 Hour 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Imagine that you could find and have admitted as evidence virtually any public historical web content, and without having to rely on discovery from the opposing party. Imagine that you could thereby establish when specific information was first published, updated, or available online - e.g., patent disclosures, marks and copyrighted materials, terms of service, advertised claims regarding products

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On Demand

Steve Hughes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Smart attorneys know that it’s not enough to have the best argument or the perfect solution—you also need to be able to communicate ideas effectively.  This is certainly the case when it comes to PowerPoint presentations. Flashes of Brilliance is a dynamic program that shows you how to create and deliver winning visual presentations regardless of your design...

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On Demand

Carole Levitt |  Mark Rosch
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Casemaker4 is an online legal research system that lawyers in many states (such as Maine, New Hampshire and others) can access for free through their bar association memberships. Casemaker updated its entire platform and re-launched it as Casemaker4 on June 5, 2019. Casemaker4 includes a variety of legal research resources: Cases, statutes, session laws, codes, court rules, rules, and regu

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On Demand

Robert Musante, Esq.
2 Hours 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Taking high-quality adverse depositions is the most important teachable litigation skill. Taking a high-quality adverse deposition requires the conscientious application of an integrated set of logical cross-examination rules, the very set of rules that law schools should have offered to their students in a full-semester course, and litigation law firms should have taught their newbies (and their

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On Demand

Deborah Reid, Esq.
59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Copyright was created as a legal response to the invention of the printing press to protect authors and their writings. It continues to evolve in response to advances in technology.  In this webinar, you will learn how the definitions of ‘author’ and ‘writing’ have expanded to include or exclude new technologies. We will explore issues of authorship and artificial ...

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On Demand

Cynthia Sharp, Esq. |  Becky Howlett, Esq
1 Hour 5 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
As attorneys, chronic stress is often a part of our job. If we do not effectively manage chronic stress, however, it has the potential to cripple our productivity levels. Chronic stress can also make it physically, mentally, and emotionally impossible to advocate for our clients and communicate with them effectively and competently. Further, we run the risk of violating the rules of professional ...

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On Demand

Cynthia Sharp, Esq. |  Becky Howlett, Esq
1 Hour 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Attorneys often represent people who have been traumatized as victims of abuse, crime, or other adversity. As the matter unfolds, lawyers, staff and judges alike may be exposed to emotional stories, highly charged situations, as well as gruesome and disturbing evidence, which can lead to secondary or vicarious trauma.  Symptoms include burnout, PTSD, irritability, difficulties with sleep and ...

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Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
Audio and Video
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The adage that all publicity is good is not always true. The press is filled with stories about how lawyers end up in hot water by filing improperly-redacted documents, disclosing confidential information to family and friends, and allowing technological ignorance to prejudice clients.

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Debbie Foster
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Attendees will learn about the ethical pitfalls of the mobile, cloud and everyday law office computing. In this program, attendees will learn about cloud options and address how to safely store documents, data and programs in the cloud and on mobile devices. Learn what programs and features you should & must use in cloud storage options like Dropbox, Box & OneDrive.

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Roger J. Dodd, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In a series of four 90-minute webinars, Roger Dodd presents a completely integrated cross-examination system taught via learnable concrete principles. In each webinar Roger illustrates key principles and techniques of cross-examination to implement at trial and at depositions (in-person or online). His examples are based on dozens of real-life examples. Even if you don’t take the whole series...

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Becky Howlett, Esq |  Cynthia Sharp, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The ABA and Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation’s (ABA/HBFF) groundbreaking 2016 study confirmed devastatingly high rates of both mental health concerns and substance abuse amongst lawyers. For example, between 21-36% of attorneys qualify as problem drinkers—3-5x higher than the general population. Moreover, 25-30% of attorney disciplinary matters, 60% of all malpractice claims, and 85% of

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Carol Schiro Greenwald, PhD
59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Videoconferencing is supposed to be the pandemic equivalent to in-person meetings, from meeting with a client to appearing before a judge. It is equivalent, in the sense that you can still  meet or network “in-person,” but the person is encapsulated in a tiny square. It isn’t equivalent when you realize that most participants are sitting at home in the corner of their ...

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On Demand

Cynthia Sharp, Esq. |  Becky Howlett, Esq
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Do you control your digital life or does it control you? Whether texting, emailing, posting on social media, or browsing the Web, many people are at the mercy of their digital devices. Indeed, Internet addiction is on the rise and is linked to mental health concerns like depression and anxiety. In 2019, the average American checked their phone 96 times a day. By the end of 2021, that figure ...

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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The purpose of interrogation is to elicit incriminating statements, admissions, and perhaps a full confession in order to prove the defendant’s guilt. A defendant’s own words that he committed the crime is very persuasive to a jury in proving a defendant’s guilt. In this presentation we will discuss what prosecutors must do to get a defendant’s confession admitted into ...

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On Demand

Graham Thatcher |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  Brian T. Guthrie, Esq. |  Charles Abourezk, Esq. |  Alicia Garcia, Esq. |  John M. Stuart, Esq. |  Barry R. Vickrey, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
When Justice William O. Douglas retired from the United States Supreme Court in 1975, he had served for thirty-six years, longer than any other justice its history, and had helped to decide some of the most important cases in the nation’s history. He was an inveterate traveler, prolific writer, and popular speaker, who used his position to espouse his ideas on environmentalism and the Bill

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On Demand

Katy Goshtasbi, Esq. |  Shiau Yen Chin-Dennis |  Brendan Gutierrez McDonnell
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
BONUS PROGRAM FOR ATTENDEES OF Practical Tips & Strategies To Combat Implicit Biases In Law Firms and Society

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Katy Goshtasbi, Esq.
16 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this BONUS PROGRAM, Katy Goshtasbi discusses identifying and addressing implicit biases of any kind among staff, colleagues, clients, vendors, and even ourselves - regardless of the size of your firm/practice. Attorney Brenna Legaard discusses her experiences as a veteran lawyer who is relatively new to the K&L Gates Portland office and the positive effects the office's

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Katy Goshtasbi, Esq.
22 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this BONUS PROGRAM, Katy Goshtasbi discusses identifying and addressing implicit biases of any kind among staff, colleagues, clients, vendors, and even ourselves - regardless of the size of your firm/practice. First-year K&L Gates Associate HQ Wang and 3L Legal Intern Olivia Ashe discuss their experiences working in the firm's Portland office - and the positive

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Carole Levitt |  Judy K. Davis, Esq
Audio and Video
Short Description:
With cost-conscious clients scrutinizing legal bills, lawyers cannot afford to only depend on fee-based resources the way they used to, especially if there are reliable free resources available. The speakers will point lawyers to useful and reliable Internet legal research resources, which are either free or low cost. They will explain how to use various resources effectively so you can become ...

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Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
IOLTA account mismanagement is one of the most common reasons attorneys find themselves in disciplinary hot water. In most cases, the attorney has never been trained how to handle a trust account, or what the best practices are for handling one. In this program, attendees will learn about the relevant Rules of Professional Conduct, and how they can use best practices to account for all client and

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Michael Maschke, EnCE, CEH, ACE, CISSP |  Brandon Barnes, EnCE
1 Hour 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Year after year, Apple continues to release new hardware models and updates to its iOS operating system. Digital forensic capabilities have grown over time and now we are able to recover more data than ever that may be vital to your case from iPhones and other Apple devices. Come learn about some of the new types of information that forensics can uncover, along with updates on capabilities ...

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Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. |  John W. Simek
1 Hour 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In 2021, 37% of all businesses were hit by ransomware attacks. Only 57% of businesses are successful in recovering their data using a backup. Out of all ransomware victims 32% pay the ransom, but they only get 65% of their data back. Recovering from an attack cost businesses $1.85 million on average in 2021. Scary stats. Today’s ransomware...

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Roy Ginsburg
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Are you a soon-to-be retired solo practitioner? You may be able to strategically sell your practice to enhance your retirement portfolio, as well as secure qualified counsel for your long time clients.  It is critical that you know what your practice is worth, who your optimal buyers are and how to find them, as well as how to structure a fair and balanced deal.  If you’re ...

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Becky Howlett, Esq |  Cynthia Sharp, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join Cindy Sharp and Becky Howlett for this timely educational webinar as they unpack implicit bias—what it is, why it matters, and reveal strategies to become aware of our own unconscious biases and ultimately enhance mindful decision-making. Overall, this program will support your ability to recognize these biases and implement strategies to curtail their harmful effects in your ...

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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
58 Minutes
Audio and Video
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The first season of the Lincoln Lawyer series was the most popular English-language Netflix show having made the Top 10 in 90 countries.  Although everyone enjoyed watching the exploits of the Lincoln Lawyer, Mickey Haller, was he ethical?  The goal of this program is for attorneys to review the Rules of Professional Conduct while discussing this fascinating series...

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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
2 Hours 1 Minutes
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Where the Crawdads Sing is a novel that has sold over 15 million copies and has been created into a best-selling movie.  In this murder mystery Catherine "Kya" Clark is accused of murdering Chase Andrews after their relationship ended.   We will examine the trial by reviewing clips of this movie and discussing the trial tactics by the prosecutor and defense.  

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JoAnn L. Hathaway
1 Hour 1 Minutes
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Selecting legal malpractice insurance can be a daunting undertaking.  Due to lack of understanding, lawyers often find themselves without adequate coverage when a claim occurs.  This “too little too late” scenario could have been avoided if they had purchased coverage knowing some basic insurance concepts. In addition, many policies provide coverage outside the realm of legal malpractice coverage...

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Roy Ginsburg
1 Hour 1 Minutes
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Everyone knows lawyers are not supposed to chase ambulances, but do you really know what that means? What are the ethical traps that lawyers unintentionally fall into when placing information on their websites? Is it okay to say you “specialize” in an area of law? Refresh your memory of the basic marketing ethics rules that you haven’t looked at since you took the MPRE. There are

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Brian T. Guthrie, Esq. |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  John M. Stuart, Esq. |  Barry R. Vickrey, Esq.
1 Hour 18 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Abraham Lincoln once said, “As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man [person]. There will still be business enough.” Lincoln on Professionalism was created by the Atlanta Bar Association in partnership with the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism in Georgia in celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. The CLE program presents the writings of Abraham Lincoln to create an engaging documentary-style program on professionalism.

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Michael Maschke, EnCE, CEH, ACE, CISSP
1 Hour 1 Minutes
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Electronic evidence plays a critical role in most cases. Frequently, relevant evidence is now found in the cloud and not on a local computer, server, or external hard drive. Businesses and consumers are using cloud services more than ever. Microsoft 365 has taken over the business world. Third-party messaging apps such as Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp continue to flourish. The cloud is now ...

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On Demand

Alan Blumenfeld |  Katherine James |  Act of Communications |  Anna Marie Thatcher
Audio and Video
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How many times have you thought you prepared a witness perfectly only to have that witness fail – either just a little, or completely and disastrously? Do your problem witnesses keep you awake at night?  Do some witnesses affect YOUR performance? You are not alone. Every attorney knows exactly what a “star witness” looks like, acts like, and performs like. A star witness is...

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Barron Henley, Esq.
1 Hour 2 Minutes
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Microsoft Word combines font and paragraph formatting into something called Styles. By default, styles are automatically applied to all text whether you want them or not, and the feature cannot be turned off.  This seminar will demystify the subject of Styles and show you how to customize Styles to work for you rather than suffering their automatic default behaviors.  By mastering Styles customization...

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On Demand

Graham Thatcher |  Brian T. Guthrie, Esq. |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  Alicia Garcia, Esq. |  John M. Stuart, Esq. |  Barry R. Vickrey, Esq.
Audio and Video
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In 1535 one lawyer chose personal conscience over public loyalty and so threatened those in power that they killed him! Some have called Sir Thomas More the first "modern man." He was certainly the quintessential Renaissance man ... lawyer, statesman, philosopher, linguist, raconteur, Chancellor of England ... and author of one of the great books of western civilization, Utopia. Despite all of that, Sir Thomas More was beheaded by King Henry VIII in 1535 for high treason.

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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
Audio and Video
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As the "Me Too" movement shines a light on sexual misconduct and sexually inappropriate actions, it's time for lawyers of both genders to examine the effects of this kind of conduct in the legal community. When speaking on this issue, presenter Philip Bogdanoff has found that sexual misconduct and bias is a recurrent issue in our judicial system and that many attorneys are hesitant to report this misconduct. In this presentation Bogdanoff will review disciplinary cases involving inappropriate sexual conduct by judges, prosecutors, and attorneys. This interactive presentation even gives you the chance to pit your opinions about the violations against the actual rulings by the Ethics review boards in each case.

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Danielle DavisRoe
1 Hour 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Office 365 is now and the future! It provides our wonderful and latest Office tools like Word, Excel, Outlook at a reasonable cost and convenience, but it also provides amazing collaboration and time management tools. In this session, our experts to demonstrate how to collaborate using the tools that are baked in and part of this subscription ... tools that most lawyers overlook. Learn also how to...

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John Federico, Esq.
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Microsoft Word includes powerful tools to create the highly formatted documents attorneys must create. Microsoft Word combines font and paragraph formatting into something called Styles.  Styles are applied to all text whether you want them or not; and there is no way to turn off the feature.

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On Demand

Barron Henley, Esq.
Audio and Video
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You no longer have to purchase software and servers for your office. Today, you can rent software or server access via the Internet and thereby avoid any up-front costs. This process is often referred to as "moving to the cloud." Of course, your client data would also be stored on the rented or hosted servers. In this seminar, we'll explain the associated pros, cons, risks...

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Mickey Valdez, CA
1 Hour 2 Minutes
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Sexual assault cases can be some of the most difficult to prosecute.  Even when the evidence is there, juries often make decisions based on stereotypes and implicit biases that have plagued our society for decades.  This training focuses on Start by Believing, a public awareness campaign started by EVAWI, designed to improve the public response to sexual assault.  The goal is to ...

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On Demand

Roy Ginsburg
Audio and Video
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The practice of law is based on relationships – with clients, potential clients and referral sources. Personal networking is the best way to create and sustain those relationships. Unfortunately, many lawyers will do anything to avoid networking. The key to successful networking is to find the networking method that matches your personality – the one that makes you feel the most...

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On Demand

Graham Thatcher |  Anna Marie Thatcher |  Charles Abourezk, Esq. |  Alicia Garcia, Esq. |  Brian T. Guthrie, Esq. |  John M. Stuart, Esq. |  Barry R. Vickrey, Esq.
1 Hour 5 Minutes
Audio and Video
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A master of the courtroom stage who possessed an uncanny understanding of human character, Clarence Darrow was arguably the greatest trial lawyer of the twentieth century. An adamant opponent of capital punishment and a passionate proponent of civil and human rights, he was often called the "Attorney for the Damned" because he fought for the underdog and took on criminal cases thought to be hopeless. Yet, while commanding respect as a trial lawyer, Darrow was often embroiled in bitter controversy for his unpopular stands on many issues and criticized for his purported unethical professional behavior.

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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Rule 8.3 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct indicates that “a lawyer who knows that that a judge has committed a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct that raises a substantial question as to the judge's fitness for office shall inform the appropriate authority.” Rule 8.4 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct explains that it is professional misconduct for

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On Demand

Irwin Karp, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Procrastination creates undue stress. Delaying work can be a form of self-sabotage, affect productivity and result in errors. This session will focus on helping lawyers to complete work with more control and less crisis management. Attendees will learn: how to recognize your individual style of procrastination and overcome it; how to break down legal work into component parts so...

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Winning the lottery means nothing if you lose the winning ticket before you get to the lottery agent. Similarly, obtaining a guilty verdict after a long and exhausting trial is worthless if your appellate brief cannot persuade an appellate court to affirm the jury’s verdict. You do not want to try a case a second time after having a case reversed on appeal.

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On Demand

Katy Goshtasbi, Esq. |  Janice Walshok
Audio and Video
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Everyone has biases. It’s natural. While me might recognize our own explicit biases, the unconscious nature of implicit bias makes them easier to ignore. Unfortunately, ignoring our implicit biases impacts not only our practice success, but our entire life and reputation.   When we are able to recognize our own biases, and those of others, we can be in control of changing systematic biases within our workplace and society...

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Erin M. Aiello, Esq.
2 Hours
Audio and Video
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This two hour presentation will cover testifying about animal cruelty cases from both the perspective of the prosecutor and the officer, effectively working with witnesses, special considerations for cases related to intimate partner violence, utilizing experts, effectively navigating cross-examination and preparing for trials involving animal victims. Presenter Erin M. Aiello, Law Enforcement...

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Roger J. Dodd, Esq.
1 Hour 31 Minutes
Audio and Video
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In a series of four 90-minute webinars, Roger Dodd presents a completely integrated cross-examination system taught via learnable concrete principles. In each webinar Roger illustrates key principles and techniques of cross-examination to implement at trial and at depositions (in-person or online). His examples are based on dozens of real-life examples. Even if you don’t take the whole series...

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Roy Ginsburg
Audio and Video
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Many lawyers forget that law is a service profession. Studies show that the most frequent reason for losing clients is poor service. And retaining clients in a volatile economy is crucial to your practice. So how do you make sure you’re providing the best service?

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Jim Jesse, Esq.
Audio and Video
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This webinar is designed to give you an overview of music copyright law concepts, but drills down when necessary to discuss specifics of topics like the sources of revenue songs can generate, among other pertinent areas. This webinar covers the basics of music copyright law, including how to properly establish and register a copyright for music. You'll also explore the exclusive rights that come with a copyright and what those basic rights mean under federal law. The webinar will also discu

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Jim Jesse, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this program, attorney/songwriter Jim Jesse continues his discussion of copyright law as it applies to the ethical issues a lawyer could encounter when representing the very specific business entity that is a band. Jesse uses specific fact patterns from the later portions of The Beatles career to illustrate these principles, including copyright infringement...

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Jim Jesse, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this program, attorney/songwriter Jim Jesse explores "the meat" of music copyright law, as he walks you through ALL of the revenue sources songs can generate for your music clients.    Jesse takes a wholistic approach to the discussion of the six exclusive rights that come along with any song copyright: reproduction, distribution, public performance of the c

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