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On Demand

Jennifer Ellis, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Are you curious about how artificial intelligence can revolutionize the way your law firm operates? While there has been extensive theoretical discussion about AI, this seminar offers a unique opportunity to witness its practical applications firsthand. Join us for "A Day in the Life: Practical Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Law Firms," a continuing legal education seminar where

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On Demand

Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
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This program will highlight the newest features of Adobe Acrobat Pro while also demonstrating some of the features that make it a must-have for every law firm.

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Daniel J. Siegel, Esq.
Publication Date:
Dec 07, 2013
Short Description:
Lawyers are already using Android devices to make phone calls, check e-mail, and send text messages. After the addition of several key apps, Android smartphones or tablets can also help run a law practice. From the more than 800,000 apps currently available, Android Apps in One Hour for Lawyers highlights the “best of the best” apps that will allow you to practice law from your mobile

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On Demand

Jennifer Ellis, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not just the hot new thing. It is changing the way lawyers practice. Join us and learn about the legal, ethical, and practical issues you need to know.

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Simulive Replay

Jennifer Ellis, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not just the hot new thing. It is changing the way lawyers practice. Join us and learn about the legal, ethical, and practical issues you need to know.

Fri, Mar 14, 2025 - 10:00am to 11:04am PDT

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On Demand

Jennifer Ellis, Esq.
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many attorneys to work from home. While some may have been prepared for the shift to working remotely fulltime, others are considering the notion of working outside of their traditional office space for the first time.  In this free program, attorney Jennifer Ellis reviews some of the basic office functions attorneys need to replicate...

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On Demand

Jeffrey R. Schoenberger, Esq.
1 Hour 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Legal technology is a double-edged sword; it can cause malpractice, or it can guard against it! Most of the top causes for malpractice and grievance issues are related to organization, communication, and law office management. As such, they are largely preventable. How do you properly communicate confidential information with clients? How do you properly negotiate documents with opposing counsel?

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On Demand

Becky Howlett, Esq |  Cynthia Sharp, Esq.
1 Hour 1 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join Attorneys Cynthia Sharp and Rebecca Howlett in this cutting-edge CLE course exploring the benefits, pitfalls and potential ethical considerations as you incorporate ChatGPT into your legal practice. Through real-life examples and live demonstration, we will examine how ChatGPT can enhance legal research, drafting, client communication and even marketing. Don't miss out on this opportunity...

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On Demand

Lawrence Eichen, Esq.
Audio and Video
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This course provides an overview of artificial intelligence and the features of ChatGPT.  It discusses how attorneys can use ChatGPT and other AI platforms to assist with client intake, document review, research, drafting, editing, and brainstorming like never before.

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Text-Based CLE

Mark Rosch |  Carole Levitt
Short Description:
More and more attorneys and judges are using social media, either for its intended purpose of social networking (and, for the lesser intended purpose of marketing) or for its unintended purpose of investigative research. There has been much discussion online amongst legal experts about what sorts of investigative activity is ethical for lawyers to engage in. Most Bar Associations however, have not yet addressed this topic. Two exceptions are the Philadelphia Bar and the New York State Bar.

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