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Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
Audio and Video
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In 1920s Oklahoma, Native Americans were treated as second class citizens.  In the book and movie, Killers of the Flower Moon, we learn the true story about how members of the Osage Tribe were cheated out of their wealth and murdered for their oil rights.  In this presentation we will watch film clips of the movie and discuss laws that discriminated against the Osage tribe.  

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On Demand

Becky Howlett, Esq |  Cynthia Sharp, Esq.
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Join Cindy Sharp and Becky Howlett for this timely educational webinar as they unpack implicit bias—what it is, why it matters, and reveal strategies to become aware of our own unconscious biases and ultimately enhance mindful decision-making. Overall, this program will support your ability to recognize these biases and implement strategies to curtail their harmful effects in your ...

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On Demand

Katy Goshtasbi, Esq. |  Janice Walshok
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Everyone has biases. It’s natural. While me might recognize our own explicit biases, the unconscious nature of implicit bias makes them easier to ignore. Unfortunately, ignoring our implicit biases impacts not only our practice success, but our entire life and reputation.   When we are able to recognize our own biases, and those of others, we can be in control of changing systematic biases within our workplace and society...

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