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Text-Based CLE

Carole Levitt |  Mark Rosch
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As early as 1996, many state bar associations began issuing formal (or advisory) ethics opinions on the ethical uses of Internet technology. Many of those opinions relating to Web sites and online communications apply the advertising rules that already exist for print advertising. In the late Summer of 2010, the American Bar Association issued its Formal Opinion 10-457 discussing ethical concerns

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Text-Based CLE

Roy Ginsburg
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Everyone knows that, much like diet and exercise, networking is good for you and that, similarly, there are lots of excuses for avoiding it.  When coaching lawyers or conducting CLEs on business development, the author hears a lot of resistance to incorporating networking as a means of building a book of business. Here are the most common excuses: I don't have the time.

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Text-Based CLE

Roy Ginsburg
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If you ask most attorneys whether their clients are satisfied, the vast majority would, of course, say "yes." If you then ask them "what makes you so sure?" the responses would typically range from "They don’t complain" and "They’re nice to me" to "They pay their bills" or "They continue to do business with us." A closer exami

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Text-Based CLE

Mark Rosch |  Carole Levitt
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More and more attorneys and judges are using social media, either for its intended purpose of social networking (and, for the lesser intended purpose of marketing) or for its unintended purpose of investigative research. There has been much discussion online amongst legal experts about what sorts of investigative activity is ethical for lawyers to engage in. Most Bar Associations however, have not yet addressed this topic. Two exceptions are the Philadelphia Bar and the New York State Bar.

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Text-Based CLE

Roy Ginsburg
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The representation of women and minorities in major U.S. law firms, especially at the partnership level, remains abysmally low. The numbers indicate that relative to the overall population (half women; one-third minority) and that of the demographic makeup of law students, women and minorities continue to be under-represented among the partnership ranks at major law firms. According to the latest

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Text-Based CLE

Roy Ginsburg
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During the past 3-4 decades, achieving diversity in the legal profession has been the goal of many within, as well as outside, of the profession. If you google the terms “diversity” and “legal profession,” there are over a million and half results. Many of them describe the efforts of the American Bar Association (ABA), numerous state and local bar associations, law firms,

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Text-Based CLE

Mark Rosch |  Carole Levitt
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Lawyers looking for evidence need to start thinking about looking "virtually." With increasing amounts of "paperless" information being added to the Internet every minute of every day, there is an increasing chance lawyers could find potentially relevant evidence there. Evidence to prove or refute a point in contention, get the upper hand in a settlement conference, or decide w

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On Demand

Philip Bogdanoff, Esq.
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A prosecutor has the responsibility of a minister of justice and not simply that of an advocate. Seeking justice is about seeking the right result in each case. In some instances, this means declining to prosecute a case where the evidence does not support that a defendant committed the crime and in other cases this means that a prosecutor faced with newly discovered evidence that an innocent

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On Demand

Jennifer Ellis, Esq.
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The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many attorneys to work from home. While some may have been prepared for the shift to working remotely fulltime, others are considering the notion of working outside of their traditional office space for the first time.  In this free program, attorney Jennifer Ellis reviews some of the basic office functions attorneys need to replicate...

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On Demand

Alan Blumenfeld |  Katherine James |  Act of Communications |  Anna Marie Thatcher
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How many times have you thought you prepared a witness perfectly only to have that witness fail – either just a little, or completely and disastrously? Do your problem witnesses keep you awake at night?  Do some witnesses affect YOUR performance? You are not alone. Every attorney knows exactly what a “star witness” looks like, acts like, and performs like. A star witness is...

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