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Text-Based CLE

Carole Levitt |  Mark Rosch
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As law office technology becomes more sophisticated, more and more of the functions of that software is moving of the lawyers' own computers and networks, and into the "Cloud." Different states take different positions about how and whether attorneys can and should be using cloud services in their practices. This articles reviews nearly three dozen ethics opinions from multiple jurisdictions to discuss those various positions. California attorneys and paralegals can earn one hour of California Legal Ethics MCLE credit by reading this article and completing the accompanying quiz related to the article and the Ethics Opinions it covers.

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Text-Based CLE

Carole Levitt |  Mark Rosch
Short Description:
As early as 1996, many state bar associations began issuing formal (or advisory) ethics opinions on the ethical uses of Internet technology. Many of those opinions relating to Web sites and online communications apply the advertising rules that already exist for print advertising. In the late Summer of 2010, the American Bar Association issued its Formal Opinion 10-457 discussing ethical concerns

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Text-Based CLE

Roy Ginsburg
Short Description:
Everyone knows that, much like diet and exercise, networking is good for you and that, similarly, there are lots of excuses for avoiding it.  When coaching lawyers or conducting CLEs on business development, the author hears a lot of resistance to incorporating networking as a means of building a book of business. Here are the most common excuses: I don't have the time.

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Text-Based CLE

Roy Ginsburg
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If you ask most attorneys whether their clients are satisfied, the vast majority would, of course, say "yes." If you then ask them "what makes you so sure?" the responses would typically range from "They don’t complain" and "They’re nice to me" to "They pay their bills" or "They continue to do business with us." A closer exami

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Text-Based CLE

Mark Rosch |  Carole Levitt
Short Description:
More and more attorneys and judges are using social media, either for its intended purpose of social networking (and, for the lesser intended purpose of marketing) or for its unintended purpose of investigative research. There has been much discussion online amongst legal experts about what sorts of investigative activity is ethical for lawyers to engage in. Most Bar Associations however, have not yet addressed this topic. Two exceptions are the Philadelphia Bar and the New York State Bar.

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On Demand

Carole Levitt
Audio and Video
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Learn how to avoid potential ethical traps when you research social media profiles for investigative/background purposes and to use as evidence. The seminar is partially based on the speakers' fifty-five page Social Media chapter from their book, "The Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet." This program specifically addresses how MPRC Rules apply to social media research:

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On Demand

Britt Lorish
Audio and Video
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Floods, market crashes, hurricanes, fires, personal illness, malicious employees —we live in a troubled world. You probably don’t need to protect your firm from extraterrestrials (well … not yet), but you do need to be forearmed against reasonably foreseeable disasters, natural or man-made!  There are easy, and cheap steps that you can take to help ensure continued service

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On Demand

Alison C. Shields, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have become part of every lawyer’s daily life, and they can be helpful tools for expanding your professional presence and marketing your practice, as well as valuable investigative tools. But the same ethical rules that govern lawyers’ conduct also apply to their use of social media, and that can raise some concerns for lawyers in their use of these tools.   This webinar will focus on the ethical use of LinkedIn as a ma

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On Demand

Jim Jesse, Esq.
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In this program, attorney/songwriter Jim Jesse continues his discussion of copyright law as it applies to the ethical issues a lawyer could encounter when representing the very specific business entity that is a band. Jesse uses specific fact patterns from the later portions of The Beatles career to illustrate these principles, including copyright infringement...

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On Demand

Joel Oster, Esq.
Audio and Video
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Every lawyer is aware of the Rules of Professional Conduct that govern what they can and can't do - ethically.  But still, every year hundreds of lawyers find themselves running afoul of these rules.  This presentation is your chance to refresh your own knowledge of those rules and to match wits with disciplinary authorities.  The Comedian of Law...

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