Chelsea S - Kittery, Maine"topic and ties to recent movie" |
Alisha T - Albuquerque, New Mexico"clips from the movie" |
Jaclyn V - Ann arbor, Michigan"I think it added pop culture into CLEs" |
Emily L - Salt Lake City, Utah"Timely" |
Kenneth B - Laguna, New Mexico"Information provided. " |
Nathaniel H - Yarmouth, Maine"legal analysis of a recent movie about historic events" |
Michael C - Scarborough, Maine"It was very interesting." |
Brad D - Lubbock, Texas"The content regarding the osage and that attorneys can make a difference" |
Richmond N - Albuquerque, New Mexico"Helps us remember why we need to honor our profession by doing what is right - and not for our own benefit." |
John V - Cumberland Foreside, Maine"Very informative and interesting." |