
Megan F - Portland, Oregon


Timothy O - Kennebunk, Maine

"Headlines, not headingsā€¦"

Mike M - Portland, Oregon

"Methods to break up presentations to aid retention and keep it from becoming flat or overloading listener with too much too fast."

Brianne B - Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Pattern interruptions. "

Maryjo S - south portland, Maine

"simplicity matters in a presentation"

Tony S - Libertyville, Illinois

"So many, but probably more visuals and more headlines and more use of PPT Notes"

Pamela H - Bend, Oregon

"More slides, 4x4 content, more color, stand up and gesture and smile when on the phone, especially when leaving voice mails."

Debra H - Rockport, Maine

"Better presentation skills on Zoom visually and audio. Better slide formation."

Thomas L - Cheyenne, Wyoming

"Raise laptop"